Customer Relationship Management: The Tudor House Makes Amends
Case number:
The case presents the dilemma of Sita Sen, Ass. Marketing Director at the Tudor House. A disgruntled customer had placed his experience regarding a mishap in the cake order he had placed with the hotel on a Face-book food group. Now there was heated discussion happening around it and VP, hospitality, the Tudor House had also been tagged in the conversation. Post a meeting of the executive group at the Tudor House, the responsibility of handling the grievance had been given to Sita. This may set a precedence for a series of similar complaints if posted on the Face-book group, so would it be better to do nothing? or may be an apology? Cash or coupons? something in kind? To give or not to give that was the question.
Marketing management; Services marketing; social media marketing; CRM
The case can be used in both foundation courses in marketing, as well as elective courses in services/CRM.
To understand the relevance of customer value vs customer lifetime value
To understand the impact of a service-customer delivery gap
To understand the role of social media in influencing customer experience
To understand the short/long term impact of customer relationship marketing
The case can be used in both foundation courses in marketing, as well as elective courses in services/CRM.
To understand the relevance of customer value vs customer lifetime value
To understand the impact of a service-customer delivery gap
To understand the role of social media in influencing customer experience
To understand the short/long term impact of customer relationship marketing
Case number:
9 pages