
Swartzberg knew his expansion model was working but wondered if the strategy of partnering with insurance companies was not limiting the potential of South-Africa-based Vitality Group. Swartzberg was concerned about the possible limitations of this model and wondered if the time had come for Vitality to acquire a license and go it alone as a fully-fledged insurance company in a new market. According to Swartzberg, “We are an insurance company; however, we sell our intellectual property internationally. So far it’s going well and we are successful. Our dilemma is whether we should have our own license in a country, take the risk ourselves, and get involved in capital investment?  Or should we continue with our existing business model of offering intellectual property to partners and expand along with them?”

Students should be able to:
Design a global strategy for this intellectual property company, which is part of an insurance company, but which earns its revenue from sales of a health improvement plan to insurance company policyholders.•
Define a business model for international expansion
Evaluate and compare business models of international expansion
Understand the different modes of entry and match business models
Case number:
Case Series Author(s):
Albert Wocke
Maxine Jaffit
Robert Grosse
South Africa
9 pages
Published Sources