North America

Our worldwide presence
Thunderbird’s regional locations serve as vital hubs in major commercial centers worldwide, expanding our academic offerings through degree programs and executive education. These locations strengthen our global alumni network, fostering meaningful connections and engagement. They play a crucial role in international recruiting and student outreach, ensuring that Thunderbird attracts and supports top talent from around the world. Additionally, they drive thought leadership and innovative solutions through strategic partnerships, reinforcing Thunderbird’s position as a leader in global business and management education.
Our presence in North America
Home to Thunderbird's Global Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, as well as regional and virtual centers in North and South America, we have had a continuous presence in the hemisphere for over 75 years. The launch of our location in Washington, D.C. in 2019, followed by the opening of our office in Los Angeles in 2021 has expanded the school's reach in the U.S. from coast to coast.
Our offices

Los Angeles, CA, USA