Thunderbird Newsroom
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ASU Thunderbird Global Innovation Center launches in Dubai
ASU's Thunderbird School of Global Management has opened a new satellite center of excellence in Dubai called the Thunderbird Global Innovation Center...
Global Impact and Engagement
Thunderbird Events

New ASU Thunderbird School Program Teaches The Business Of Space
Space might be the final frontier, but getting there can be an expensive proposition. A new master's program at the Thunderbird School of Global...
Academic Programs

The ‘Softer’ Side of Management: How Executive Courses in Leadership are Evolving
Forget about corporate finance, strategic management and SWOT analysis. Some of the most popular — and valuable — executive education courses are...
Academic Programs

Space programmes boom as private-sector exploration takes off
Times Higher Education
US universities rush to meet student demand driven by growth of SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin
Academic Programs

Competition delivers the goods and the crew for all NASA commercial space services
On April 23, SpaceX launched a crew of international astronauts to the Space Station. This marks the third human spaceflight success for the firm’s...
Academic Programs

ASU retains top US spot for efforts toward UN sustainability goals
For the second year in a row, the university retained the top national spot when it comes to impacts made addressing 17 specific goals aimed at...
Global Impact and Engagement

The Digital Revolution Is Eating Its Young
Project Syndicate
(image credit Getty Images) As massive online platforms have given rise to numerous virtual marketplaces, a gap has opened between the real and the...
Global Impact and Engagement

Space policy continues to shoot for the moon
Greg Autry, who recently joined the faculty of Arizona State University's Thunderbird School of Global Management as a clinical professor of space...
Academic Programs
Faculty News

Thunderbird kicks off 75th anniversary celebrations with Founders' Day
On April 8, Thunderbird’s worldwide community is marking its inception with a digital, 24-hour Founders’ Day celebration that launches a series of...
Thunderbird Events